
1. Memorial:Kenwyn (St. Kenwyn) Churchyard
2. Book:The (1921) Masonic Roll of Honour 1914-1918Pg.137
3. Memorial:The (1940) Scroll - WW1 Roll of Honour6D GQS
4. Memorial:Warwickshire Masonic Memorial Erdington

Awards & Titles:


Early Life :

Born. 11th December, 1868 (1Q1869 Redruth 5c 257); Married: 16th May, 1894 (2Q1894 Wandsworth 1d 893), Edith Jane Osborn. Died: 12th July 1917, Newquay. Buried St Kenwyn churchyard, Kenwyn, Cornwall 1891 Census: Lodging at 25 Winchester Street, St George Hanover Square.

Education & Career :

RAMC: Royal Army Medical Corps WW1. Reginald was educated at St Bartholomew's Hospital, where he took the diplomas of M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. in 1892, and the degree of M.D. in 1913. After acting as house-surgeon of Birmingham General Hospital, and as senior resident medical officer of the Scamen's Hospital, Royal Albert Docks, he went into practice at Kenilworth, where he was honorary medical officer to Kenilworth Convalescent Homes, and certifying factory surgeon. Reginald entered the war in France in November 1914, and served as surgeon to the Lady Sykes's French Red Cross Hospital at Dunkirk. He held a commission as temporary major in the R.A.M.C.

Service Life:


Unit / Ship / Est.: Royal Army Medical Corps 

Action : Natural Causes 

Natural causes is attributed those deaths due to causes that were not directly associated with the war. Included in this are wartime deaths resulting from, for example, theSpanish Influenza pandemic and its associated pneumonia problems and other attributions such as age and exhaustion. It also groups those who through Post Traumatic Stress committed suicide as a result of their experiences.

Detail :

Reginald Carlyon Tweedy, of Kenilworth, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Born. 11th December, 1868 (1Q1869 Redruth 5c 257); Married: 16th May, 1894 (2Q1894 Wandsworth 1d 893), Edith Jane Osborn. Died: 12th July 1917, Newquay. Buried St Kenwyn churchyard, Kenwyn, Cornwall 1891 Census: Lodging at 25 Winchester Street, St George Hanover Square. Student of Medicine. 1901 Census: Residence; Abbey Hill, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Surgeon. General practitioner in Kenilworth.

Leamington Spa Courier 20 July 1917 - KENIWORTH - DEATH OF R.C. TWEEDY - "The news of the fatal termination of the illness of Major Reginald Carlyon Tweedy, received on Friday inst. evoked general sympathy and regret in Kenilworth and district. It was known that his illness was a grave one, but the end was entirely unexpected: it was due to pneumonia, following a chill contracted on the 7th inst. Dr. Tweedy had been ill for some months, and had gone to Newquay, Cornwall to recuperate. He had been getting on well: had sent his nurse away, and sent for children to be near him. He was enjoying himself in their company at a picnic on the 7th inst., when he took the chill which so precipitately ended a most life. This was his second attack of pnuemonia, and his weakened state of health could not withstand it.

His loss is a very great one for Kenilworth and for the country...."

London Gazette - 4 Sep 1917
REGINALD CARLYON TWEEDY, Deceased. Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Vidt., ch. 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees.'"
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other (persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of Reginald Carlyon Tweedy, late of Abbey House, Kenilworth, and of the Second Birmingham War Hospital, Northfield. both in the county of Warwick, Doctor of (Medicine, and late a Major in the Royal Army Medical Corps (who died on the 12th day of July, 1917, and whose will, dated the 17th day of May, 1917, (was proved in the Principal Registry of tine Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice "by the Public Trustee, the sole Executor therein named, on CHRISTOPHER and SON, 5, Argyll-place, Regent-street, W. 1, Solicitors for the said Executor.

Masonic :

TypeLodge Name and No.Province/District :
Mother : Guy's No. 395 E.C.Warwickshire
Joined : Shakespeare No. 284 E.C. Warwickshire

3rd April 1905
1st May 1905
6th November 1915

Initiated in to Guys Lodge No. 395. Joined Shakespeare Lodge 16th September 1914

Source :

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Additional Source:

Last Updated: 2019-07-18 20:13:44