Battle or Action:

No Data

  Detail :

 No Data has been recorded for the final action, because none has yet been found. If you have any information to offer, please contact the Project Team so we can add.

 Rank Initials Surname Died Lodge
 LCpl. T. HEDLEY 24-07-1918 Moseley No. 3105
 Pte. J. STEEN 24-07-1918 Border City No. 2906
 Stok. R.K. TURNBULL 27-07-1918 Lord Charles Beresford No. 2404
Loyalty No. 358
 Pte. D.G. CHEESMAN 29-07-1918 Victoria Lodge of Hong Kong No. 1026
 Tpr H.J.C. PRIOR 04-08-1918 Uva No. 3429
 Pens. C.F. LETCHFORD 08-08-1918 King's Navy No. 2901
United Service No. 1341
 Pte. A.G.T. FERGUSON 13-08-1918 Meteor No. 2510
 C.S.M. A.W. CLARK 16-08-1918 Peterborough and Counties No. 2996
 2Lt W. STEVENSON 18-08-1918 Lodge of Faith No. 484
 Sgt. A. PIPER 28-08-1918 Morning Star No. 552
 Capt. R.A. SMITH 28-08-1918 Duke of Normandy No. 245
 Bdr. J. COWEY [COWIE] 29-08-1918 Palatine No. 97
Wearmouth No. 2934
 2Lt C. KING 30-08-1918 Brownrigg Lodge of Unity No. 1424
 Capt. W.H. BLACKMORE 01-09-1918 Rolle No. 2759
 Pte. S.R. ROBERTS 04-09-1918 Corinthian No. 3093
 C.P.O. J.G. COLLINS 09-09-1918 Royal Naval No. 3337
 Lt.Col. H. MARSHALL 10-09-1918 Southampton No. 394
 E.R.A C. McDONALD 11-09-1918 St Clair No. 2074
 Lt. H. JEFFRIES 20-09-1918 Lodge of Affability with Villiers No. 317
 Pte. G. ROBSON 24-09-1918 Napier Clavering No. 3428
 Pte. W. SMART 24-09-1918 Shanghai Tuscan No. 1027
Zetland No. 525
 Pte. J. HUMBLE 26-09-1918 George Stephenson No. 3390
 2Lt A.H. BOWLING 29-09-1918 Old Boys' No. 2500
 Pte. C.S. GREEN 29-09-1918 Canterbury No. 1048
 Pte. W.C. DICKENS 01-10-1918 Gundulph No. 1050
 Capt. J.R. RICHARDSON 01-10-1918 Earl of Chester No. 1565
 Mne.Engr. G.A. TURNER 01-10-1918 Tennant No. 1992
 Sgt. J.H. BASKERVILLE 03-10-1918 Aldershot Camp No. 1331
Supera Moras No. 3326
 Engr. W. DURBROW 03-10-1918 Anfield No. 2215
 C.S.M. H.G.T. EDWARDS 04-10-1918 Army and Navy No. 2738

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