Battle or Action:

No Data

  Detail :

 No Data has been recorded for the final action, because none has yet been found. If you have any information to offer, please contact the Project Team so we can add.

 Rank Initials Surname Died Lodge
 Pte. W.H. HAMPSTED 30-10-1916 Warrant Officers No. 2346
 C.Q.M.S. L. PARKER 01-11-1916 Broad Arrow No. 1890
  C.E.H.C. LLOYD 13-11-1916 Caradoc No. 1573
 Capt. C.G. DODWORTH [DODSWORTH] 18-11-1916 Willing No. 2893
  S.G. VINCENT 01-12-1916 Fowey No. 977
 Pte. F.N. WRIGHT 01-12-1916 St John's No. 1736
  G. WRIGHT 01-12-1916 Kirkdale No. 1756
 Pte. M.C. FRIEND 04-12-1916 Alexandra Palace No. 1541
 LCpl. E.C. DAVIES 05-12-1916 Excelsior Lodge No. 2832
  D.H. HOOD 14-12-1916 Prince of Wales No. 1035
 Pte. T.H. DARVILL 17-12-1916 Lord Kitchener of Khartoum No. 2767
 Pte. F.D. WYCOMBE 18-12-1916 Downshire No. 594
 A.B. W. STAMP 22-12-1916 Lodge of True Love and Unity No. 248
 Acct. H. MARTIN 01-01-1917 De Shurland No. 1089
 Lt. H. SMITH 01-01-1917 Abbot Lichfield No. 3308
Eastnor No. 751
 Sub.Cond. F.W. PEARCE 10-01-1917 Alexandra No. 1065
Lodge Faith No. 2438
Lodge Light of the Craft No. 3265
Quetta No. 2333
 Lt. C. MORRISON 20-01-1917 Great Northern No. 1287
 Lt. J.A. MONKHOUSE 23-01-1917 In Arduis Fidelis No. 3432
  G.H. SAINT-GEORGE 29-01-1917 Authors No. 3456
 Pte. C. GUILLAUME 01-02-1917 Droylsden No. 3282
 Lt. R. M[a]CLEOD 01-02-1917 St Aidan No. 3460
 Gnr. J.W. WATSON 12-02-1917 Clarence No. 2386
  F.J. HORNE 13-02-1917 Lodge of United Strength No. 228
 Cpl. L.P. WILLIAMS 16-02-1917 Yarborough No. 554
 Stok. G.W. YOUNG 18-02-1917 St David's No. 393
 Stwd. J.A. EVANS 23-02-1917 Toxteth No. 1356
 A.B. W. TAYLOR 25-02-1917 Lodge Vandeleur No. 3586
 Lt. G. DAGLISH 01-03-1917 Wallsend No. 2703
 Pte. P.H. GODDING 06-03-1917 All Saints No. 1716
 Pte. H.G. FIGG 13-03-1917 Lodge of Equity No. 3692

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